Steuerlich absetzbar Zahlung für Vater?


für Zahnersatz werden kürzlich 5.000 Euro fällig.

Davon muss ich für meinen Vater die Eigenleistung von 2.000 Euro selbst zahlen.

Kann ich das steuerlich geltend machen? Falls ja, wo und wie?

Danke und viele Grüße

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1 year ago

I have to pay for my father’s own contribution of 2,000 euros.

Why do you have to?

Can I claim this tax? If so, where and how?

Extraordinary burdens for sickness costs are cancelled here, as the expenses of your father grow and not you. At best, as a maintenance service, if they have a tax impact, I dare to doubt.

1 year ago
Reply to  uweuwe63

You could try to assert the inevitableness of the moral obligation as extraordinary burdens, as your father could not bear these expenses. But don’t worry about it.

1 year ago

No, you can’t claim that tax.

You can transfer it to your father before and he can
the then at least asserted taxly.

1 year ago

Is there a reason why you have to do this? If it has been imposed on you from your own (with proof) you can enter it with extraordinary loads.

1 year ago

I have to pay for my father’s own contribution of 2,000 euros.

You must? Why is that?

Can I claim this tax?

No. You can’t claim money gifts. No matter what the recipient uses the money.


1 year ago
Reply to  uweuwe63

Because he doesn’t have the money

then must you do not pay you want pay. This is a voluntary gift of money that is not tax-reducing for you.