Steuerklasse ändern, wann bei neuen Job?
ich bin verheiratet und beginne ab morgen einen neuen Job.
Dieser ist deutlich besser bezahlt als bisher und es macht nun Sinn, dass ich und meine Frau die Steuerklasse 4 verlassen und auf 3/5.
Nun beginnt mein Job bereits morgen.
Kann ich heute noch die Klassen ändern? Oder würde es auch kommende Woche noch gehen?
Ich hätte gerne bereits möglichst mit der ersten Auszahlung die optimierte Steuerklasse.
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten
best both go to 4 with factor, there is not the risk of repayment.
at 3/5, in about 50% of all cases, there are repayments, most of which hurt because you did not expect it
Then it will work from August 2024
Also. Then it only works from September 2024
By the way: By choosing the tax class, you cannot save a single cent of taxes. The tax class only determines the amount of wage tax as an advance payment to the subsequent income tax. At 3/5, duty is payable if both work. After the tax decision, the cent paid exactly the same taxes. No matter how the tax classes were before.
If your request for tax class change is still in the tax office today, the change will take place until 01.08.
But the fact is that the choice of your tax class doesn’t matter. You only change the under-year pay tax deduction. The final tax is only fixed by the tax decision. At 3/5 you are required to submit a tax return, at 4/4.
Wage tax class 3/5 is abolished there only 4/4 or 4/4 with spliting
from 2030, right?
Yes but then again 4/4
No. It will be the 4/4 with factor. That’s a difference
from 2030