Steuerklasse 6 statt 1?


meine Frage wäre wie folgt:

Ich war wie gewohnt bei meinem Hauptarbeitgeber mit Steuerklasse 1 eingetragen, daraufhin habe ich mit einem Nebenjob angefangen wo ich fehlerhaft von dem Steuerberater des “NebenjobUnternehmens” als Hauptarbeitergeber eingetragen wurde. Somit bin ich nun bei meinem eigentlichen Hauptarbeitgeber mit Steuerklasse 6 eingetragen statt wie üblich mit 1 und bei meinem Nebenjob mit Steuerklasse 1 statt mit 6.

Dies wurde auch wieder geändert, jedoch wurde die Frist verpasst sodass es mir nicht mehr möglich ist das Geld wieder zu bekommen.

Was kann ich tun um das fehlende Geld zurück zu erhalten da es ja offensichtlich nicht mein Fehler war? (abgesehen von einer Steuererklärung).

Vielen Dank!!!

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2 years ago

There is actually nothing but the tax return.

I almost, fortunately, called our payroll because you noticed this and I was able to clarify it early >Amt has transmitted incorrect data

Even in the case (a mistake from office) there would have been no other possibility.

Now I had it in 2020 as well as 2021 actually 2x, repayments of fixed-term jobs in the ÖD and the rectified at 6..

My pay tax aid also said, stupid for me, correction only about tax returns for the respective year..

Say, no matter who mistakes with AG or Office, the AN may bathe it (yes, very great).

2 years ago
Reply to  Violetta1

PS: actually I always make my tax return myself.. but the two jobs in the ÖD, which have constantly sent any corrections, partly still for 11/2020 in 8/2021,so that I thought eventually from the LoHi.

I guess I’ll get back 1600€ for 2020 and the LoHi won’t get 100.

LoHi = payroll tax

2 years ago

I then started with a side job where I was incorrectly registered by the tax advisor of the “NebenjobCompany” as the main employee. I am now registered with my main employer with tax class 6 instead of as usual with 1 and with my side job with tax class 1 instead of 6.

“Classic”, unfortunately

What can I do to get the missing money back because it was obviously not my fault (aside from a tax return).

Unfortunately, you have to wait until the year is around and make a statement.

2 years ago

What can I do to get the missing money back because it was obviously not my fault (aside from a tax return).


Explanation is mandatory for you.

2 years ago

What can I do to get the missing money back because it was obviously not my fault (aside from a tax return).

Nothing – you will have to wait for your tax clarification.

2 years ago

Well, you can’t get around the tax return. But don’t worry, such a witchcraft isn’t that again 🙂

Greeting, JB