Steuerkette defekt?
mein Audi A6 3.0TDI 2013BJ hat immer wieder Kühlwasserverlust. War in der Werkstatt da kam dann raus, dass es die Wasserpumpe und Ventildeckeldichtung ist. Hab es bis jetzt nicht repariert da mein Mechaniker keine Zeit hat. Seit paar Tagen rasselt etwas sobald ich das Auto starte (nur bei Betriebstemperatur). Hab meine Steuerkette vor 30.000km wechseln lassen, daher bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es die Kette ist oder etwas anderes. Würde mich freuen ob mir jemand eine Antwort geben kann ob es die Kette ist oder irgendwas anderes.
Chains should be more durable.
There can always be a reason that this is not the case.
Turn off, don’t drive.Otherwise, a total damage, or a collossal expensive engine damage, is risking.
You can’t make a diagnosis here, and unfortunately you can’t give another advice.
this can also be the chain tensioner or another attachment, especially if the water pump already leaks anyway. A rat can have many causes even the loose water pump. Since the control chain was only made before 30,000 km, I would rather tap the tensioner or something around it.
Chain made 30tkm? There is something else or the chain has not been properly tensioned/set, so it can no longer rattle.
You don’t drive a meter with the car until the workshop looked at it, otherwise you can say goodbye to the Audi, that doesn’t sound good for the engine.
Unfortunately, the chain is just terrible at the 3.0TDI. I bought the car in December 2023 and had to change it twice. Since I’ve been buying, I’ve been driving 50,000km, the car needs work every day. At the time I broke the necklace was driven several thousand kilometers without that something has broken, Gottseidank and I must now unfortunately do it the same. If he breaks it is a pity, but less headaches and more beautiful for the wallet because I had to provide a 5-digit amount of money for reperatures:/
Oh, you holy shit, but you really caught yourself a “cheat.” Yes, the chain can be very short-lived in some engines, just when they get older, but so fast this is rather unusual. Still, I’d think about keeping the car in the case if you’re getting such a horrendous bill again.
I’ve been thinking about selling him for 2-3 months, but I’m afraid I can’t get that over my heart. It’s my first car and was my dream car as a kid. In addition, in Austria, the car market is catastrophic. For example, a VW Golf 4 with valid TÜV and under 300,000km is not available under 5,000€
You can’t say anything without seeing the car. Take it to the workshop that can help you