Steuerfrei leben?
Hey hey
ich mache mich gerade selbständig und kann hoffentlich 2024 vollständig davon leben. Jetzt wäre meine Frage wie ich Steuerfrei leben kann. Funktioniert das wenn ich mein Gewerbe außerhalb Deutschlands anmelde? Dafür muss ich einen Wohnsitz im Ausland haben oder?
oder gibt es noch andere Möglichkeiten?
As long as you live in Dtld, you are fully taxable there, no matter where your business is registered.
There are countries in the EU where, if you have your residence there, you only have to tax incomes that you also realize there, i.e. incomes outside the country. However, you will have to do without having any kind of residence in Dtld
No then you pay income tax in Germany. At home in Germany, the unlimited tax liability and thus the world income principle apply. This means no matter where you earn income in the world, they are taxable in Germany.
Even then, you don’t live tax-free, but then the foreign tax authority should levy corresponding taxes.
No, it won’t work.
You’re aware that you’re paying taxes in other countries, right?
Yes I know
With a company headquarters abroad you will hardly get orders here. Just when you’re doing yourself on your own.
An entrepreneurial seminar is recommended.
I don’t depend on orders because I run an online business and therefore the place where I work is absolutely no matter what
Ask the health insurance 😀 and don’t forget the visa.
You’ll have to pay taxes everywhere.
It is clear, however, that some countries are much less than in Germany.
Then move and work there;)
Then you have to stick to the laws, from the country where you are currently living.
If I would like to, however, not to leave my family behind, I am very concerned with families.
and I don’t think they wouldn’t