Steuererklärung zum ersten mal ja oder nein?

Ich habe Lohnsteuerklasse 1 und bin für eine Steuererklärung nicht verplfichtet. Allerdings wird mir das von meinem Arbeitskollegen empfohlen. Ich habe außer den Lohnabrechnungen auch keine weiteren Dokumente vorliegen. Ich wohne noch bei meinen Eltern. Und zur Arbeit sind es ca. 5 km hin und 5 km wieder zurück.

Lohnt sich denn bei mir die Steuererklärung?

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3 years ago

When is the first tax return for you?

Unfortunately, due to your description, you cannot receive a tax refund.

However, dealing with the subject of “income tax returns” or even making a tax return cannot hurt. On the contrary. Now your numbers are still clear. So you don’t need to fill in much.

This will change safely over time. At the latest when you start a family, or you have a high tax burden due to your income.

Good to know: Even if a tax advisor makes the income tax statement for you, a good preparation can save some money.

If the tax advisor first has to sort and assign a shoe box full of documents, the workload is correspondingly large.

You don’t need to make your tax return stressed under time pressure.

With the voluntary income tax return you can leave up to 4 years. The tax return 2021 must therefore, for example, by 31 at the latest. December 2025. By 31 December 2021, you can submit the voluntary tax return of 2017.

Extensive basic knowledge and good orientation help can be found here: Steuererklaerung/ Steuererklaerungspflicht/

3 years ago

Yeah, it’s worth it anyway. Even if you have no (or under 1000 euro) advertising costs. The precautionary package is usually lower than the actual pre-care effort. And if you are in the church and pay church tax, it has not yet been considered as a special edition.

3 years ago

It won’t be worth it. But you can try it out if you live with Elster and then enter what you have. Then you can calculate if you got something back.

You’re probably under the lump sum for employees and in the worst case you have to repay.

3 years ago
Reply to  Neugierig1971

You can drop every day you spend longer than 8 hours, because of work, out of the house. There are more at 12 or 24 hours. This applies only if the employer has not paid a trigger

I’m going to get back almost 400€.

You only have to pay if you have secondary income. A normal worker will never get too little tax deducted. In the year, there would be a change in wages or tax grades.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blume8576

catering extra costs can be deducted for every day when you leave for more than 8 hours and is outside the first place of activity. So for a mission. But not for normal working days in the office or workshop or the like.

3 years ago
Reply to  Blume8576

You can drop every day you spend more than 8 hours, because of work, out of the house

where is the bullshit?

there are additional costs for 8 hours of absence from the first place of work!

I’m JEDEN Day almost 11 hours because of work out of the house! Additional costs = NO!