Steuererklärung – Wohnungen absetzen?

Hallo zsm,

ich habe 3 leerstehende Wohnungen (Denkmalschutz), davon werden momentan 2 WHG in Eigenleistung saniert. Was kann ich absetzen, da Eigenleistung?

Das Objekt wird momentan auch noch nicht abgeschrieben…

Die Steuererklärung steht demnächst an und wollte schonmal einige Tipps und Erfahrungen sammeln.


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1 year ago

If you have refurbished your rented apartments yourself, you can withdraw some of the costs from the tax. This is called advertising costs. But you can’t just say how much you’ve been working per hour and how much you’ve done it. You can only use the material you bought, the cost of travel to the building market or to the apartment, the cost of waste disposal and the food on the go as advertising costs.

If you have refurbished your own apartment and have paid for craftsmen, you can also take off some of the tax. You can deduct 20 percent from what the craftsmen have demanded for their work, their approach and their equipment. But only up to 1,200 euros a year.

If you have rebuilt or upgraded your apartment, you can’t take off the tax. This also applies to your own performance.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lisi262011

If you have refurbished your rented apartments yourself, you can withdraw some of the costs from the tax. This is called advertising costs. However, you can only use the material you bought, the travel costs to the building market or to the apartment, the costs for waste disposal and the food on the go as advertising costs.

If you have refurbished your own apartment and have paid for craftsmen, you can also take off some of the tax. You can deduct 20 percent from what the craftsmen have demanded for their work, their approach and their equipment. But only up to 1,200 euros a year.

If you have rebuilt or upgraded your apartment, you can’t take off the tax. This also applies to your own performance. That’s a shame, but that’s the law.

So it depends on what you do with the wall. If you only repair them or embellish them, you can withdraw some of the costs from the tax. But if you build a new wall or change an old wall to have more space, you can’t put the costs down.

1 year ago

If you earn 50,000 euros a year from your employer, but you have to pay 50,000 euros a full wage. This is how income taxation works. It is not possible to calculate the own work performance.

1 year ago

Tax consultants ask… we’re not authorized to do this!

1 year ago

What can I put down because of my own power?

Only the material used.