Steuererklärung von 2020 abgeben, muss ich mit einer Strafe rechnen?
Ich habe heute erfahren das ich 2020 dazu verpflichtet war eine Einkommenssteuererklärung abzugeben. Da ich Kurzarbeit er Geld bezogen habe. Das ganze wusste ich leider nicht.
Wenn ich die Erklärung jetzt abgeben, muss ich dann mit einer Strafe rechnen?
Delay supplements can be created for each month of delay 25€
Oh, great. That’s great. Then I pay a lot of money 😣😣
The longer you wait, the more expensive it gets.
If it’s your first explanation, you can have luck using the processor’s discretion
THE were their words
And that’s wrong!
I’ve spoken of practice – what is it for a paragrapher… not understandable?
I took the 149 AO and I read the AEAO on it and this one, these are not ideas.
You didn’t show the practice, but what you’re doing.
I think I have very clearly set out the rules for practice above.
You just copied something from the BayLfSt website.
That you speak of exceptions – but I usually do.
A delay supplement must be if:
The statutory fixing of a delay allowance can in the following cases Not available (§152 para. 3 AO):
In these cases, no measurement-independent, but at best a measurement-dependent fixation of a delay supplement takes place. According to § 152 para. 1 sentence 1 AO, a delay supplement may be fixed if a legal period (§ 149 para. 2 sentence 1, para. 3 AO) or a period determined by the financial authority (§ 149 para. 1 sentence 2 AO) for the submission of a tax return has not been complied with. An extension of the deadline (if applicable retroactive) granted and maintained (§ 109 AO) must be taken into account. The fixing of a delay supplement is particularly considered in the case of repeatedly delayed or absent declaration fee (AEAO to § 152).
And that now supports your statement or does mine degenerate to what extent?
The BayLfSt provides an overview of the current regulations for fixing delay supplements.
If you do not comply with your obligation to submit a tax return, or if you fail to comply with it, you must:Delay allowance! The tax legislator had already fundamentally revised the applicable regulations in § 152 AO with the tax modernisation law v. 18.07.2016; the revision shall apply to tax declarations which:after 31.12.2018to be delivered.
The reason for the new legal situation is that the tax office is only in certain cases adiscretionary marginwhether it fixes a delay surcharge (“cann fix); in certain cases the fixing is in turn compulsory (“must fix”).
Of course, there is still discretion, there is no more general discretion.
The discretion is no longer – sp.e. must be fixed (will be done by the machine).
No, not the first. But I haven’t been thinking about it since the whole corona panic. Shit!
No, then you gave it to me….
Yeah, but late. According to Google there was a deadline of 10.21
Yes, the deadline for a tax return is always 31.10. of the following year.
But still, nothing will happen to you if you surrender now with explanation…
Okay. So, in my case, a delay supplement would be incurred.
There is no failure. There are delays in late payment and there are delays in late payment. At least the latter are created by law.
That’s wrong. There are innovations. period-for-the-income tax declarations-2021-2022- and-2023-212835.html
Whether the tax office calculates default surcharges is the tax office….but that’s not a punishment….
Oh, I’m calmed. Because a colleague said he had to pay 200 penalty for failure
As a worker, a tax return is voluntary or am I wrong? Otherwise, is it already statuteless or not? Don’t do anything. If you’re going to bring the tax return, you’re just gonna wake up sleeping dogs. The authorities don’t know what the left and right hand do anyway. ;
If short-time work has been paid, a tax return is mandatory….
The basic obligation to issue the tax return pursuant to §46 EStG is as follows:
“Super” tip you give!
Yeah, but isn’t this a year when it was three years ago?
You really think? I’m afraid someone’s coming and saying there’s been a nix?
You should leave!
Yeah, you’re wrong – he’s not a “clean” AN – he had short-time work.
Don’t make it means getting more expensive.
Get your hands off the taxes.
No, 7 years expiration of the claim period may be fixed on duty.
Without obligation, there are 4