Steuererklärung Pauschbetrag 1230€?
Ich habe noch nie eine Steuererklärung abgegeben. Ich bin Arbeitnehmer. Ich würde gerne jetzt für die letzten 4 Jahre Steuererklärungen abgeben. Ich verstehe nur das System nicht. Kann ich ohne Nachweise für jedes Jahr den Arbeitnehmer pauschbetrag (2023 i.h.v 1230€) vom Finanzamt zurückkriegen , auch wenn meine Kosten nicht so hoch waren? Mein Brutto Gehalt lag die letzten Jahre durchschnittlich bei 30.000€ und ich bin Steuerklasse 3
The employee’s fee is nothing you can get back from the tax office.
But he only says that for calculating taxes from your income without further proof, 1230 euros are always deducted so that you don’t have to pay taxes on this 1230 euros.
Of course, if you had already paid taxes on this 1230 Euro, you will get these taxes back. But first, never full 1230 Euro, because you don’t have a tax rate of 100%.
And secondly, in practice, you have usually not paid any taxes on this 1230 euros, because the amount of cash has already been taken into account in the deduction of the wage tax by your employer.
You can’t get back costs. Costs of employment (advertising costs) are deducted from income. And then you only have to tax the remaining surplus. The employee’s allowance is also already taken into account in the deduction of wages. If you have no higher expenses, it does not result from the flat-rate reimbursement. However, you may have higher special expenses or exceptional charges which have not yet been taken into account in the deduction of wages.
The spouse doesn’t work? Otherwise, since it has committed to submit a tax return
The employee’s allowance of €1,230 is not paid, it only reduces the wage or salary to be paid. Income tax and is already taken into account in the calculation of wage tax by the employer, as is the basic amount.
You can use the amount without proof, even if you live around the corner of your workplace.
However, this amount only reduces your tax burden, it is not paid out. And secondly, this amount is automatically taken into account in your monthly bills. It therefore no longer has a tax-reducing effect.
Just what goes beyond that amount.