Steuererklärung Kleinunternehmer (unter 10.000€)?
Tut mir erstmal leid falls die Frage dumm erscheint. Will aber nichts falsch machen und dazu lernen. Auf meinem Brief vom Finanzamt damals steht, dass eine Umsatzsteuerjahreserklärung zum gesetzlichen Abgabezeitpunkt benötigt wird. So jetzt meine Frage. Angefangen habe ich am 09/2022. Ich habe bis jetzt unter 10.000€ verdient. Muss ich die Umsatzsteuerjahreserklärung dann jetzt auch machen und abgeben? Und wenn nein, wann muss ich dann meine Steuererklärung abgeben? Ich weiß, dass man auch unter 10.000€ dazu verpflichtet ist. Entschuldigt nochmal die vllt dumme Frage aber ich möchte einfach sicher gehen und es für die Zukunft lernen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Alex 🙂
The turnover tax is, as well as income tax, an annual tax
The calendar year is considered.
Since the tax office has already informed you that she wants to have your explanation, of course you must also give it to you.
For 2022 you have up to 02.10.2023 without tax advisor.
Thank you very much. This was assigned to me directly in the letter where the tax number came. After replying to the questionnaire. Only there is “usually” that is why something is confused. Not a year in. By the way, I have the small businessmen rule if that makes a difference.
Just give her away.
You need to enter exactly 1 number for sales as a small business operator.
In the end, you do not give this an explanation and this will slow the processing of your tax return.
You need to apply for the small business operator scheme. At the beginning, the tax office sent a questionnaire, so you could cross it. If you didn’t do this, you’ll have to make a tax return.
But that also has advantages. For example, pre-tax deduction.
The FA no longer sends questionnaires, since 2021 the citizen is obliged to submit them independently.
In addition, the small-scale entrepreneurship scheme does not generally exempt from the submission of this declaration.
The FA has already demanded the delivery.
You can still call him. or about Elster.
I asked for it at the time, and I asked for everything. Would you just want to know if I still have to do this with this rule and if not, when does the normal tax explanation follow that is mandatory?
See my answer.
He’s forced to leave over Elster, there’s nothing to ask.