Steuererklärung – bis zu 1000 Euro Nachzahlung, normal?
unsere Familie hat 2 Einkommen, und wir haben einmal Lohnsteuerklasse 3 und einmal Lohnsteuerklasse 5.
Außerdem befindet sich unser Sohn in Ausbildung.
Wir haben keine weiteren Einkommen und auch keine besonderen Ausgaben.
Ich habe erwartet, dass ich in dieser Situation, am Ende des Jahres keine weiteren Steuern zahlen müsste,
Aber die Steuererklärung ergibt in jedem Jahr eine Nachzahlung von ca. 1000 Euro.
Ist eine Nachzahlung in dieser Höhe bei Normalverdienern normal?
Würde ich mit einem Steuerberater mehr Steuern zurückerstattet bekommen, als der Steuerberater kosten würde?
And so since her in the duty obligation
This may well happen, but is not the rule.
Normal is ralative, it can quite happen. Especially if you don’t know what effect the combination has 3/5.
A tax adviser can’t complain if you don’t have advertising costs, because he can’t invent.
In the case of control class 3 + 5, it is quite possible.
Unfortunately, you can’t answer this on a flat-rate basis… the StB can also only set off what is possible. He doesn’t swing a magic wand or invents numbers 🙂
Greeting, JB
the repayment of the tax class 4/4 is paid as much tax as 3/5 ?
That’s it!
The “Kalte Progression” comes into play, from inflation compensation?
It’s normal for tax class 3 and 5. 4 and 4 are less common.
so, after the repayment, I won nothing with a tax class division of 3/5,
because at the end of the year I pay as much tax as at 4/4?
I don’t understand the meaning of 3/5…
He has no sense from a tax perspective
The advantage of the tax class 3 is only if the main earner becomes sick or unemployed or when the parent is in social benefits. These earnings are calculated according to the net wage. This is the only place where the higher net wage will bring you more.
By sharing, you only get an advantage on the monthly net, but you always have to pay for it.
The wage tax aid association costs approx. 250€ a year, and then a tax advisor summarizes the statement. It depends on how good you are yourself.
About 1000€ are quite a lot. We’re glad to get the 250€ for the tax club out.
Well, we chose 4 and 4. For 2022 there are more than € 1000 back.
You are in advantage, you have had over the year 1000 more than correct after tax, but now you have to pay without interest. With a good investment, this may bring 100 € for you.
We had more than EUR 1000 less the year than after tax correct, now we get it right without interest. Money we couldn’t make, so no investment gains could get for it.
With tax class 3/5 yes.
Then you shouldn’t have chosen tax class 3/5. As a rule of thumb, the greater the difference in wages, the higher the repayment is.
In the end, the tax class has no effect on the tax to be fixed. After the tax decision, tax class 4/4 and tax class 3/5 paid the same taxes.
The tax class only determines the deduction of wages in the form of advance payment to income tax.
Simple example: After the tax decision, a fixed tax of € 4,000 is payable.
If, for tax class 3/5, only € 2,500 is retained, you will pay € 1,500.
No. He can’t change the fact that your tax-class selection simply dismantled too little wage tax.
If a total of € 5,000 was retained for tax class 4/4, you will get a refund of € 1,000.
On the bottom, however, after the tax decision, both € 4,000 paid.