Steuererklärung als Berufsanfänger? 1 Steuerklasse?

Hallo bin 23 und habe Steuerklasse 1, arbeite unbefristet seit Januar 2023.

keine Pendel/Fahrtkosten zur Arbeit

lohnt es sich eine Steuererklärung zu machen? Was bekommt man im Schnitt zurück? (Mein Fall)

soll ich Steuerberater dazu beauftragen, was kostet er?

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1 year ago

What do you get back in a cut? (My case)

You will only be able to get a few euros back if you have no advertising costs to pay. The advertising costs are then deducted in the tax debit, which has also been taken into account in the deduction of the pay tax, i.e. does not have an effect.

The only effect that would result in reimbursement would be the contributions to health and care insurance. This takes into account the deduction of wages at €1,900 for the year and usually the actual contributions paid are above it.

What could otherwise have a maximum effect would be exceptional burdens (impacts, diseases etc) or tax reductions such as craftsmen’s services.

should I order tax advisors, what does he cost?

Looking for a tax advisor is a waste of money. Please register for free at and use the pre-filled tax return.

1 year ago
Reply to  livexuz8

And how much pay tax did you pay in training?

You can only get a maximum of tax refunds on what you paid.

1 year ago

With the tax return, you only get the taxes refunded, as the name says. Health insurance, pension insurance etc. will never be refunded.

You can try to make a tax return 2022. But more than € 139 refund is not possible there.

And you can only use the laptop at 50% as advertising costs as you also use it privately, BFH judgment of 19.02.2004 – VI R 135/01 -, BFHE 205,220, BStBl II 2004, 958

You would have to get over €1,200 with your advertising costs, otherwise they won’t work.

1 year ago

is it worth making a tax return?

If there is no obligation to pay, it is always worthwhile. Because if nothing comes out, you let it stay

What do you get back in a cut? (My case)

Yes (sorry, we know nothing and cannot answer the question)

should I order tax advisors, what does he cost?

You have to ask the StB, but in principle it is not necessary if you do not have any expenses that are critical.

I say a 0815 explanation can fill out anyone who can read and write.

1 year ago

With regard to a “simplified” tax return, the question arises whether you have tax-reducing advertising costs (above 1200 euros per year).

In addition, if you have special editions : editions/

In addition, exceptional charges can be deducted from tax:

as far as you are ready to deal with the aforementioned terms …. Advertising costs, special expenses and extraordinary charges …… a little closer, you should easily get your tax return on your own.

If not, please contact a payroll agency:

If you don’t have deductible costs, it’s worth making a simple income tax statement anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  livexuz8

Are household-related services included in your cost accounting? You could also drop them.