Steuererbescheid – warum so viel nachzahlen?
Hallo zusammen, ich hab dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal meine Steuererklärung abgegeben, weil ich Elterngeld bekomme, somit bin ich nun verpflichtet Steuererklärung abzugeben.
Die Steuererklärung habe ich in einem Steuer Hilfe App abgegeben und heute kam die Benachrichtigung, dass der Steuerbescheid da ist.
Ich muss knapp 600€ nachzahlen… Wieso kann es sein, dass ich so viel nachzahlen muss?
2023 ist mein Kind auf die Welt gekommen, ich hab Mutterschaftsgeld und Elterngeld bekommen. Ansonsten war nichts mehr was Geld und Steuer angeht.
Ist der Bescheid entgültig oder kann man Widerspruch einlegen?
Danke euch!
Benefits (e.g. short-time work, unemployment benefit, etc.) which fall under the progressive reserve are tax-free, but cause your individual tax rate to rise.
For this, all your incomes, including this performance, are computed.
Non-automatic work: revenues Advertising costs
After deduction of special expenditure and exceptional charges, a (fictitious) taxable income comes out.
This is a statement on the income tax rate, which can be used to calculate the tax rate.
Finally, your right taxable income (i.e. without this benefit) is taxed with this higher tax rate.
This may not lead to the payment of any wage tax paid and to a repayment.
Are you married and your partner in tax class 3? This would be such a typical case that leads to a high repayment.
In any case, you should check the notification and make an opposition in case of errors detected. This must, of course, be justified, you must tell the FA what and where the error is in your view.
I’m married, tax class 4
Repayments can also occur in tax class 4 .
had you entered all this correctly, so there is no tax on social money anyway.
Maybe call at the tax office and ask if this can be done
Hey, there can be different reasons why you have to pay. Sometimes the maternity allowance and the parental allowance are not properly taken into account in the tax return. In any case, you can object to the tax ruling if you think there is an error. It would be best to ask a tax advisor or to contact the app you used for the tax return. They can certainly explain exactly how it came to repayment and what you can do.
Since payroll services are transmitted electronically, this is not possible at all.