Steuer in Schule?
Wir haben einen Aufenthaltsraum für Schüler, der mit Wasserkocher ausgestattet ist. Wenn ich mich bereiterkläre Instantnudeln zu kaufen und die dann jeweils wenn jemand Hunger hat an andere Schüler weitergebe, die mir natürlich das Geld zurückgeben, würde ich mich strafbar machen?
Wie sieht’s aus, wenn ich “Gewinn” mache (also beispielsweise für 89ct einkaufe und für 1€ weiterverkaufe)?
Und wenn das ein Vergehen ist, wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass das verfolgt wird?
The money is, of course, completely okay.
When selling with profit – even if it’s just a few cents – this looks purely legally but again different.
Surely the danger is caught and punished quite low. It’s gonna have to be really public, so someone else would have to whistle you.
But then what the punishment would be can’t tell you here, that would be so much. for example how much GEwinn you have actually done, how long you have driven the game, how old you are
Thanks for the answer
The new EU regulation provides that associations and NGOs must also pay VAT for ‘gastronomic’ services if annual turnover (I believe) exceeds 2,000 euros. It doesn’t matter if there’s a prospect of winning behind the sale. (For our voluntary school cafeteria, which tries to keep the bread prices low, this is just a disaster!)
In other words, theoretically, you have to hit 19% of the truck and then take it off.
Practical: Don’t let me advise you on tax evasion.
But I just wouldn’t hang the sale to the big bell…
Thank you
What if I’m under these 2000€?
I would have to sell instant noodles per year at 1€ yes 2000 dishes, i.e. about 10 per day. That would be a bit much for what I’m thinking.
Secure yourself with permission from the school management.
If you need more than you paid, it’s a business. This is subject to registration.
The verse, however, is not a crime, but an offence.
Talk to the school manager 😀
hm, listens to a tissue treatment 😀
I have 0 Bock for a few instant noodles to register a trade 🥲
tja, then stop it 😋
Then just leave it. Everyone can buy something like that.
You can bring a noodle bag from home. One of my collaborators does this several times a week.
I haven’t even started it yet
The next supermarket is 4 kilometers away, but I’m probably going to let it stay more
1 you lack the business registration
2 requires the permission of the school
3 you lack the required cutlery incl. Cleaning facilities
4 The school is not amused via the power claw
4 The Wsserkocher is out of there, so the SChüler can use it
🤣🤣🤣 also for commercial use …
The power claw is okay, cutlery is present (but is not set by me). It’s true
he would not use it. He doesn’t cook the others. Could be, everyone buys himself.