Steuer Erklärung?
Hallo Community,
ich habe eine Frage zur Steuererklärung. Ich finde im Netzt auch keine passende Antwort.
ich habe ein Kind aus eine nichteheliche Beziehung. Das Kind wohnt bei der Mutter und Mutter bezieht auch das Kindergeld.
Die Mutter bekommt für das Kind und für sich selber Unterhalt von mir. Für das Kind 483€ und sie Mutter 1471€.
unterhalt für das Kind kann ich nicht absetzen, aber kann ich den Unterhalt für die Kindesmutter steuerlich geltend machen?
wie gesagt, das Kind und die Mutter leben nocht mit mir in einem Haushalt und Mutter bezieht Kindergeld und natürlich hat sie entsprechend auch Bezüge vom Jobcenter
vielen dank im Voraus ..
After a short question to friend Google you can specify the maintenance in the tax return.
It is also the case for full-year children.
If you have never been married, the child’s mother would normally only be entitled to a waiver until the age of 3 of the child.
For this amount of EUR 1471 per mother’s pension However, you have a very good adjusted net income and then surely would no longer be entitled to benefits from the job center.
For the maintenance of whether for the child or the mother, according to the SGB – ll regulations, is undermined in their needs and the child’s allowance of currently 250 euros for children under 18 years of age is usually full.
Thank you for the detailed explanation. Nevertheless, it is so that the child’s mother still has 2 children. For the other two children, she does not receive any child allowance, as the father is abroad and she has no income except the maintenance. According to Jobcenter, it must have 3100€ available and this means 1471€ from me, 483€ for the child, 250€ for our common child and around the 1000€ from the job center. That’s the location.
That is why my question remains. Can I put it down and how?
Then you have to explain this in the question.
How old are the children, so also your common child, what do the children do and what does the mother have to pay for their warm rent, without deduction for normal household electricity?
After all, according to Google, you can specify this in the tax return and then it will be taken into account accordingly.
Even if I accept that all children min. 14 and under 18 years old, the children would have a standard requirement for the livelihood of 471 euros and their mother needs for the livelihood of 563 euros and the single parental allowance for 3 minor children of 36% of their standard requirement of approx. 203 euros, I would only be worth about 2179 euros a month.
In addition, the warm rental would still be available, without deduction for normal household electricity.
Even if it had to pay 1221 euros for warm rental in an expensive city like Munich, I would have to pay for a total requirement of 3400 euros a month.
1471 Euro Sustained Mother + 483 Euro Sustained child + 250 Euro Children’s money = total by the 2204 Euros that would be deducted from the total requirement, because usually the mother can only min. 30 Euro insurance cover from its maintenance if it has no other income.
Would the children min. 6 but still below 14, then the standard requirement for living is only 390 euros, i.e. 81 euros less per month if the other two children do not have income themselves.
Then this could be with your ca. 1000 euros additionally fit as an increase from the job center.
Thank you for that.
The rules are calculated by Jobcenter and everything is okay.
I pay a total of 22248€ to our mother and son
I entered all entries at the Elster. Where:
“AHW Abbruch-Hinweise You have claimed maintenance services to the divorced or permanently separated spouses. This amount exceeds the maximum amount for entertained persons. Where maintenance services are paid to a number of divorced or separate spouses, they shall be recorded individually for each divorced / permanently separated person. Please check and correct your information if necessary.”
Should I send the explanation? I don’t understand why “different or permanently separate spouses” are standing. I’ve given a “JA” in the statement for a child’s mother.
Unfortunately, I can’t help you any more, the tax isn’t my area, so I’m sure there’ll be someone who knows about it.
But one thing I can certainly tell you is that your child under the age of 6 has only a right to a standard requirement of currently 357 euros and for this it has only 1/4 of the warm rental, without a discount for normal household electricity.
Your child should therefore be able to cover his needs in the mother’s own household with the maintenance of 483 Euro + 250 Euro Children’s money = 733 Euro and thus the BG community of mother’s needs.
357 Euro Rule requirement + 290 Euro Head part for warm rental = 647 Euro Need for your child.
The overcrowding amount is attributed to your child’s child’s child’s money, which it no longer needs to cover your own needs, this part is recalculated to the mother’s income and inferior to the SGB – ll regulations on the needs of the remaining BG – community of needs.
Good morning,
that also fits to the point. The children are 17 and 14. Our common child is 2 years old. Warm rental is 1160€ without electricity. That’s why you’re on such a high sum.
I got gegooglet and as far as everything is read through. It’s the one sentence I don’t know.
4The condition is that neither the taxable person nor another person is entitled to a free allowance according to § 32(6) or to child allowance for the entertained person.
The child’s mother gets child money for our common child.
Yes as an exceptional burden in special cases according to § 33a EStG.
Is this the case with the child’s mother?
Yes, § 1615l BGB
Thank you. But only for a certain period.
I’m out of this matter a little longer, but I think there’s no way to put something down. The child’s money gets the mother, leaving a tax-free amount for you. Married since her neither.
No, we haven’t been married
I read it through, and I don’t understand. The child’s mother gets child money for our common child.
Is that what my claim is?