Tax on capital investments?
If I earn less than the basic allowance, do I still have to pay taxes on capital gains?
If I earn less than the basic allowance, do I still have to pay taxes on capital gains?
Hello Community, To be more precise, my question is whether you only pay taxes in the months in which you earn more than €520, or whether you have to pay taxes on all of your salaries in a year as soon as you earn more than €520 in a month? For example, if I only…
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Hello everyone, I recently referred someone for a colleague who works at an insurance company, who signed his policies with him. My colleague transferred me a commission of €700 for this. Do I have to pay taxes on this? Because it was only a one-time transaction.
Hey, ich habe seit 2 Monaten ein Kleingewerbe Kiosk und hab vorher von anderen gehört das ich ruhigen Gewissens starten kann ohne etwas besonderes zu beachten. Heute meint ein Arbeitskollege das es strafbar ist. Will natürlich keine Probleme. Aber muss ich nun irgendwas bestimmtes tun?
The income of capital is one of the seven types of income, also taken into account in the determination of the income to be taxed.
If the zvE is below the basic amount, no tax is payable. Any paid KapESt will be refunded.
In principle, however, the bank is obliged to retain the cape if the FSA has been exceeded.
Thank you. what does FSA mean?
Release order
Thank you
This is called a tax return
or will be refunded automatically
okay and can I refund the money that the bank has retained?
If that’s your only income and you don’t apply for a discount check. This does not change the fact that your broker automatically retains the capital income tax – at least if it is a German. You’ll have to reimburse it through a tax return.