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6 months ago

My employer gave a Littmann Classic III to each of us penultimate year for Christmas. Is absolutely sufficient for our needs (even if there are some hot nozzle with electric version, but you can see it gottseidank rarely in free wild).

There is also an app that allows you to register with the serial number where audio samples are played.

6 months ago

More than one Littmann Classic III is overrated in the rescue service.

6 months ago

A stethoscope is important in the rescue service when you visit patients more often.

If you choose your own stethoscope, consider the following criteria:

A good stethoscope should transmit clear and loud heart and lung noises.

Stainless steel chest pieces are more durable and provide better sound transmission.

Comfortable and tightly final Ohrolives are important for a pleasant wearing comfort.

A replacement membrane and additional Ohrolives are practical.

There are many good stethoscopes on the market. Some popular brands are Littmann, 3M Littmann, Prestige Medical and Heine.

Love 🌞 Greetings

6 months ago

You will probably only rarely need that. That’s enough. And there’s also a doctor who has such a device.

6 months ago
Reply to  Coriolanus

You’re going to get away from the need for an emergency doctor at the site, which is why you’ve created the professional image of the emergency medical officer. With the measures you take MUSST (!), you should be sure to hear if it is indexed (e.g., the word relief pointion).

Or in the case of COPDists, in most areas, there is no emergency doctor in spite of nebulization and/or NIV.

And sorry, with the Billo-Ding from the RTW you just hear everything, but not what you want to hear.