Sternburg Bier tatsächlich Brauabfall?

Wahrscheinlich habt ihr schon einmal die Mythe gehört, dass Sterni aus Brauabfällen besteht und deshalb zumeist anders schmeckt. Stimmt das, oder ist das absoluter Unsinn? Ich würde mich sehr über eine ausführliche Erklärung freuen.

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11 months ago

Brewery waste is the so-called “Trebern”. (can you google, I learned in a malting industry businesswoman, so I know about it)

And you can’t brew beer anymore.

In Germany, the purity bid is valid, so your beer is also brewed from water, hops, malt and yeast, while the yeast is removed afterwards.

That’s why it’s bullshit. No beer can be brewed from trebern. And it would be forbidden in Germany to call it “beer”. Food law is very inexorable.

11 months ago

I would be very pleased with a detailed explanation.

There’s nothing to explain in detail. Sternburg has its own brewery. So these aren’t “bread waste”?


and therefore usually tastes differently.

What’s “other.” It’s your own beer brand. Of course it tastes different. A pool doesn’t taste like a Radeberger. This cliché is more of the price.

11 months ago

There is no question for me, there are clearly better varieties and beers that also taste! At a low price, a beer for me cannot be of quality.

no one who drinks these broths

11 months ago
Reply to  Luca747

The low price of Sternburg comes not through poorer quality, but through mass and no advertising and no “Bling, Bling”.