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No earrings or earplugs should be worn at the sports college. The risk of injury is too great.
I don’t know that earrings of any kind should be a problem at a university, you can dress idR as you want or. Choose jewelry as you like. Of course, an implicit rule applies, so to speak, that you don’t go to university completely fancy, and dress up slightly elegant and “orderly”. But I don’t see small earrings as a problem. LG:)
As long as they are not a security risk (which will only rarely be the case), no one is interested in it.
Yeah, a huge problem. Always stumble over small earrings at every corner. And small earrings always occupy all the bells. Very annoying. 😂
Small earrings usually do not pose a problem at a university. Universities are often much more relaxed in terms of personal style and appearance than schools. As long as it is not a special dress code in a particular course of study or internships, this should not be a topic.
So don’t worry – you can usually live your style free!
There is no minimum size for earrings at universities.
No. Anyone who cheats in the exam or gets vaccinated in the bachelor’s thesis without a source is a slotted ear, but only in the transmitted sense. You don’t get an earring to the punishment.
No, not for a long time.