Steißbeinfistel Operation – Fleischwunde blutet stark?
Ich hatte gestern oben genannte Operation, ich war heute früh beim Arzt und der hat die Wunde kontrolliert, der meinte es ist alles gut.
nun haben meine Freundin und ich die Kompresse gewechselt und seitdem blute ich extrem stark.
es ist durch die Kompresse, durch die Hose und auch auf das Kissen wo ich drauf gesessen habe durchgeblutet.
jetzt hat der Arzt aber zu und ich will nicht direkt einen Krankenwagen rufen: ist das normal? ab wann wird es wirklich bedenklich?
meine Freundin hat die Kompressen nur recht schwach rein gedrückt, sollten diese wirklich fest rein gedrückt werden (mit Druck)?
Why did you change the bandage?
This makes no sense and is not beneficial for wound healing.
probably you have been hurt by your bandage change vessels, that takes something the body sets the bleeding.
Put yourself on the belly and ddeine girlfriend should press the compress in the wound with slight pressure.
Important, hand hygiene and gloves.
You can also try to stand the bleeding with cooling
The doctor hadn’t changed her, that was done in the hospital, and the doctor told me to do this at home after the stool, and that’s why we changed her.
How does the doctor control the wound without changing the bandage?
That’s why you’re supposed to perform the wound dressing as described by me
So it was the day over without bleeding, now it starts again.
How does the wound heal when you change the compresse once a day? I’ll destroy the vessels every time… I don’t understand.
You don’t need an ambulance.
If the bleeding does not come to an end, you can go to the next medical standby practice.
Where this is you can learn about the 116117
For further association changes from the pharmacy Prontosan, Aktimaris Glendamacin or Nacl.
For this was connected with drinking and
wait about 15min.
Then carefully wipe with a sterile compress from the inside to the outside.
Then put in again with slight pressure and the secondary bandage.
So that you don’t have to change at any stool, buy a foil bandage in the pharmacy.
The wound cools out during each change of association and the wound healing is interrupted
Well, she had just raised the compresse for a short time, and I thought it was good.
but was not my family doctor, it is only on Monday