Steißbeinfistel OP Narbe nach offener Wundheilung geht immer auf?
Hallo ich brauche eure Hilfe. 😔
Meine OP mit offenerer Wundheilung ist nun 3 Monate her. Die Wunde war schon ganz zu und ist dann wieder aufgerissen und dann wieder verschlossen und jetzt an einer kleinen Stelle wieder offen.
Ich Creme die Narbe morgens und abends mit Narbengel ein und mache eine Kompresse mit Pflaster drauf. Wie habt ihr es gemacht mit der Narbe ? Mit oder ohne Kompresse und Pflaster ?
Habt ihr noch Tipps ?
Vielen lieben Dank im Voraus!
We clean up your mistakes in post-treatment from the front. First of all, you do not use scar cream and, in any case, do not use bepanthen. This is the biggest mistake you can make. You clean the wound daily with Octenisept, cover it with a compress and fix it with Fixumull.
1. Shave at the place or think about a permanent hair removal. The hairs in the area look like lace paper. The skin is not so elastic after surgery. If you wipe your ass with toilet paper, you can easily tear a little skin away in conjunction with your hair. So besides shaving, you should also be careful how to wipe your ass off. You can’t get over there with toilet paper.
2.) My guess is that after the surgery you had spared too much. After the operation, a lot of movement is damn important. Sitting should also become more and more as soon as possible after the operation. Your goal should be to grow the wound cavity under normal conditions. Without movement, the wound cavity grows under excessive skin tension. After completion of wound healing, this leads to skin tears and problems during sitting. In fact, exactly the opposite is important of what doctors often recommend. These tell that long sitting and too much sports could promote a recurrence. That’s bullshit. It takes eternity. From my point of view, it is also a false term. Much more, due to incorrect after-treatment and wound care, it can lead to renewed inflammation, which can lead to a new bruise if one does not counteract it. So you yourself are responsible for this. You yourself can reduce the likelihood of a new bone fistula by almost 90% due to a correct aftertreatment. And it’s mega important that the skin area get used to the normal loads so quickly. And this is best during the post-treatment phase. You can do anything that doesn’t cause pain. I went back to Fittnessstudio 1 week after the operation. It is important that the wound is properly disinfected every day and that performs a correct change of association. The wound does not leak, but uses Octenisept. A lot of movement also promotes blood circulation and thus wound healing.
I don’t care. Now it’s too late. The skin tears are nothing bad. It is the result of too high skin tension. With each skin tear, the tension becomes less. In the next 2 to 3 years, skin cracks will occur more often. This is not an indication of a new fistula formation, it is simply the result of a wrong aftertreatment. You have to accept that now. No doctor can do something. The skin will tear in as often as your body needs.
Hello, nurse here.
I would disinfect the site daily, use wound healing ointment (e.g. bepanthen) and then cover it with a small compress. Change of the bandages every day until it gets better. However, if the wound does not leak or gets worse (e.g. liquid exits) I would go to your home doctor and let it show.
All right. Hope could help you.
Could you and maybe you can help me with my new question. Thank you in advance