Steinmeier bring Döner mit in die Türkei?

Steinmeier hat beim treff mit dem türkischen Präsidenten erdogan einen 60 kg Dönerspieß mitgenommen auch der Döner Verkäufer ging mit. Angekommen hat er den Spieß gegrillt und geschnitten. Dieser wurde für die Leute vor Ort dort als Abendessen serviert. Werden damit nicht Klischees bestätigt. Z. B. das alle Türken Döner Verkäufer sind?

Ist ja so als würde erdogan mit Kartoffeln nach Deutschland kommen und diese dort kochen und den Leuten servieren, um Verbundenheit zu demonstrieren.

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10 months ago

If Erdogan makes me a potato soup, or Xi Jinping doesn’t refuse me a potato buffer. I don’t see a problem in there, more appreciation.

10 months ago

No only to show how much Turkish immigrants have shaped us as culture and that is very valued.

10 months ago

I think you can assume that the Steinmeier and his adviser have already thought very carefully how it is.

So you can lie down again. It’s all good, your worries are probably unfounded.

10 months ago

It’s like he would come to Germany with potatoes and cook them there and serve people to demonstrate solidarity.

Why? What do potatoes in Turkey have to do with cultural integration?

The Döner per se is simply a court, which was established according to the Turkish model in Germany.

10 months ago

If he had brought Mr Sahin from Biontech, I would not be ashamed of German politics.

Finally, Steinmeier wanted to present a linking element as a sign of successful integration (in the third generation 😂 ) and German-Turkish friendship. And then he doesn’t think of anything better than a fool.

But honor to the co-gretist, that he did.

10 months ago

I don’t see a problem in it. Of course you can construct one if you want. I wouldn’t have a problem with the potatoes. It’s just nice.

10 months ago

Sounds almost like wearing owls to Seoul. (Heinrich Lübke “densed” quote)

The Döner number almost mutates as cultural appropriation, which concerns the acquisition of forms of expression or artefacts, history and forms of knowledge of carriers of another culture or cultural identity.

10 months ago

For me, that was a embarrassing gesture.

If I were Steinmeier, I would have taken a really fat pigshaxe. In addition, well-growing meat and a large lump of pig meat.

10 months ago

if you don’t have any other concerns.

10 months ago

I think it’s good if something like that is established as a tradition. Melonie gets a pizza, Macron a dead frog and bidens a colt. Why not. Only the question is whether he puts the Döner as a gift or as a hostage from the tax.

10 months ago

I had to laugh when I heard that. But I think Erdogan didn’t find that funny 😂

10 months ago

The döner was invented by Turkish immigrants in Germany… now it is with the favorite fast food of the Germans.

It’s a beautiful and symbolic story.