Steigt alkoholtoleranz auch bei häufigen KLEINEN Mengen?
Wer viel trinkt, braucht mehr. Und trinkt meistens dann auch immer mehr.
Aber wenn jemand jeden Tag “nur” 1 Bier trinkt, hat der dann irgendwann auch ne höhere Toleranz als wenn er sonst nichts trinken würde?
I’ve been drinking a beer every week. A beer and end.
And in the case of larger quantities than others, do you gain?
Yeah, I would. I have times behind me too, as a young man, I’ve been drinking a lot more. But since I’m not a big beer drinker, I need a beer a week. I could also drink three or four beers a week now, of course, that wouldn’t matter to me. I think it’s different to the one who drinks beer every day. ^^
Interesting thanks
Yes, the body adapts to this “feed” physiologically.
So the brain learns to ignore almost simply alcohol
Also not ‘ignoring’, but the body metabolism reacts to this regular situation and as a result, some effect of alcohol is ‘balanced’ or mitigated.
Interesting thanks