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1 year ago


That’s seemingly impossible. So no. The German language (like any living language) is constantly changing…


1 year ago

No, the German language has too many words. The Duden is far too thin to record all German words. All plants with German names are likely to produce a thicker book and in the Duden one does not even find the beech.

1 year ago
Reply to  Naturequeen

But the beech is in the dude, it is a relatively common word. Even very rare words like “echauffed” are found in the Duden. The most extensive band (Duden – German Universal Dictionary) contains over 500,000 words.

1 year ago

But I hope that you will also be in the online dude in the Universal Word Book, as sad new forms as the Second even if the number of carpets using this absurd comparative is increasing.

1 year ago

Ups, have looked under Bac😅

1 year ago

“Walfisch”, “Trauer Celebration” or “Fruchtfleisch”, which are contradictory when considered more closely.

What is conflicting with “Trauer Party”? Maybe you should make yourself etymologically smart about “Feier”.

1 year ago

Whether a word is recorded in the Duden depends solely on how often it is used. The Duden is oriented towards actual language use, not vice versa.

And whether a word appears “trottelhaft” to you, above all, has to do with reconciliation. When the word is established in our language, it will eventually be quite normal – just like “Walfisch”, “Trauer Celebration” or “Fruchtfleisch”, which are contradictory when considered more closely.

1 year ago

No, because you can’t just insert all words in German into a book

1 year ago


1 year ago

There are different issues.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vorname272

It should. Because there are different issues, probably for different possibilities. In a dictionary, there is not necessarily any word in it, because there are many other words that may be less important in everyday use.

1 year ago

If you think so, why don’t you say it? That was by no means obvious from your answer.

1 year ago

And that’s what I meant.

1 year ago

Nevertheless, it does not answer the question.

In a dictionary, not necessarily any word can be in it

But it can be, only it would be extremely much work, the dictionary would be very thick, and after a short time outdated, as new words are always invented or removed from other languages. And it could not contain all derivatives and composites (e.g. rainwear business).