Stehende Wellen höchste Lautstärke?
Simple Frage: Wo sind stehende Wellen (z.B. Schallwellen) am lautesten? Ich dachte intuitiv immer bei den Wellenbäuchen (maximale Auslenkung der Amplitude), ich bin aber verwirrt, da laut einer Lösung dies jedoch bei den Wellenknoten der Fall ist.
Außerdem gibt es einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen Amplitude und Lautstärke?
there is sound pressure and sound speeds. Where the particles move most, the pressure is the least (energy conservation between kinetic and potential energy). If someone is talking about pigs now, he has to say whether the pressure belly or the pressure belly are. It’s the loudest in print blocks, there’s just the quick nodes.
If it is a perfect theoretical model, the sound wave is everywhere “weak” – destructive interference. However, you still have the most energy in the maximum waves – deflections.
In the real world, however, these are never perfectly superimposed and the measuring device you would use would also scatter, etc. – so you will always see a sound pressure and inhomogeneities.
Jap, the maximum deflection of the amplitude is what we call “loud strength”.