Stehen viele Jungs auf Emo Girls oder goth girls?
Mich würde das einfach mal interessieren hab gehört voll viele Jungs stehen auf sowas aber geben es nicht zu könnt ja mal hier rein schreiben ob da was dran ist 😂
also diese hart von Style 👇
Mich würde das einfach mal interessieren hab gehört voll viele Jungs stehen auf sowas aber geben es nicht zu könnt ja mal hier rein schreiben ob da was dran ist 😂
also diese hart von Style 👇
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My buddy was on them because he swore they were easier to get around. So don’t talk long. I don’t know if this is still true today. Because things have moved again. At that time there was no “F+” at least not as a familiar category.
I can’t confirm that at least from my experience. The Emo girls (also those from my clique) were totally uninteresting for the generality, because they were neither cheap nor open (to whom one had to answer and that was actually only when one was part of the scene … we were always friendly to others, but somehow also very for us, a strong community for themselves) and for some were too intellectual – and the Emo girls were always
It is likely that 🙂
I noticed the opposite.
so everyone does his experiences, is good
Has something, so there are definitely styles that look significantly worse, especially since I like such alternative styles too. But I believe in many men it has something to do with fantasies.
Yes, there are many who stand on them, as on everything else.
LG Animelove007
More than you might think. But not so much.
I was a teenager & young adult in an Emo-/Gothic/Manga-Clique and found the original emo style of approx. 2007 really totally cool and interesting.. that has all had its time, today I don’t think so, at that time it was also “Trend” in a certain way. But today I am thinking of people who run around like this (not only women) still —–> a nice thing that still exists, we were the same as you are now:-)
Well, that’s two different categories. Personally, I’m on ladies from the Gothic and Black scene, but I’m part of the scene myself.
And by the rather lightly dressed ladies in the media, it became a kind of fetish for many men, in turn, this fetishization is totally colored.
First of all.
But they often have a lot of problems and then that’s kind of going away.
Example from my life: When I saw her naked, she really had scars everywhere on the body she had joined herself. And somehow, I suddenly didn’t find it funny or attractive.
Well, that’s more of a case now.
Eddi what do you mean now? That I don’t stand on it, or that a loud scars in the breasts.
Ey, I have a scar to offer…
Jein, I’m on scars, but not on SVV
You told me it was black luck.
Your support
So stupid!
I know everything. You’re on that. Personally, I found the woman really disgusting.
The latter. In the alternative subcultures, it is quite common that people put SVV on the agenda, as they experience a lot of exclusion, bullying, violence and discrimination through society.
If I look so social media, then there are many who stand on it. Me included – but before there was tiktok/instagram and Co.
As a woman with such a style, I can say it’s already much more than you would suspect and also many people you don’t look at. But the majority is definitely not
That’s E-Girls.
Pffff are not xD that are emos true emos style from 2006!!!
I’d be new.
You’re around the 24th, maybe 25/26, and I’ve known since you’ve been doing your emo meeting.
What account? Look at me at insta @xdark3m0_xx and @emotreff_nrw_xx, then we can say with the old one if you don’t even know how old I am xD
No, thank you, I took a look at your advertised accounts, that’s enough to let my answer stand like that.
Let’s push it to your age. ^^
Find the next emo on Google pictures
Like I said, I’d be new.
Apart from this left side these are more gothic girls, 😀 emos have a side ponies ^0^ and look at ^-^ Because it is a life-setting for those Emos:0 I still look like this today:D
I’ve never been on this style as a teenager.
Now I’m older and more like 🤠Country fan on this female style⬇️