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Personally, I would wait until a reasonable manufacturer has a Hall Effect Gasket Mount keyboard, such as the Wooting 80 He, believes Keychron will bring something at some point.
But if you don’t have a reasonable keyboard yet, you’re well advised with the wooting or Apex.
I admit I’m not really following this. Have enough expensive keyboards. But welcome the trend towards Hall Effect and there will definitely be some good ones.
From the above-mentioned keyboards, the Wooting would appeal to me most, just because you have more customising options through the individual tray mount module and the Gateron switches. I *believe* at Steelseriess isn’t the case the Apex pro but I see as okay as long as there is not so much with Hall in the custom direction. I wouldn’t touch Razer personally as long as they didn’t get anything new, which I don’t know is definitely underpinning the keyboard.
I have the Razer Huntsman and Steelseries Apex pro at my home and find the Apex pro personally better.
Price performance is the Wooting 60 HE definitely the best of the three.
But before you buy one of the well-known mini keyboards, look at the best razer huntsman v3 mini, not quite as well as the others, should seem to be very crass.
Endgame Gear KB65HE