Steckdosen und wlan im ic?
Gibt es im IC (kein ICE) WLAN und oder Steckdosen? Fahren am Montag von Düsseldorf nach Hörnum um 3 Uhr für alle
Gibt es im IC (kein ICE) WLAN und oder Steckdosen? Fahren am Montag von Düsseldorf nach Hörnum um 3 Uhr für alle
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The IC 1 has as far as I know no wlan but usually sockets (1 per 2 seat)
The IC 2 of the double decker is very modern and I believe both wlan and sockets
Yes, there is.
Did not know that there are in simple IC WLAN. Passed, but is very rare the case. These are old ICE wagons that were coupled to an IC.
There should be sockets. They are usually in the middle between the two seats.
It’s been a short time. The restructuring of the fleet is currently underway.
No, that’s not the case. ICE-Wagen cannot be used purely technically together with IC-Wagen.
In order for the battery to carry out the entire journey, one is located on all double seats socketin the 1st class also on single seats. Between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2021 all Intercity 2 trains with free WiFi equipped.
The search did not take 5 seconds
So there are now in all ic’s wlan ?
It’s already there.
You don’t need to be panic afraid of Google
But Wi-Fi does not all have.
Has the train from Düsseldorf to Hörnum and 5 o’clock about wlan
I don’t know, there are different IC trains. You can only ask at the station.
was asked aschon