Stechen in der rechten Brust?

Hallo, ich bin w 14 Jahre und hab seit ca. 3h ein starkes stechen in der rechten Brust. Ich weiß nicht was das sein könnte. Ich hab nur eine Grenzwertig große Leber und im Blut ist mein biliburin und Feritin zu hoch, ich weiß aber nicht ob das damit zu tun hat. Hat jemand eine Idee was das sein könnte.

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6 months ago

This can have very different causes, but your liver and the associated values are usually not the cause of pain in the breast side, which would then occur more in the upper abdomen. Probably most likely are muscular problems, i.e. distortion, perhaps due to physical exertion or a wrong attitude. Also possible would be discomfort due to stress or anxiety (as psychosomatic) or problems with the ribs, the chest. This would usually happen if there were no external influences due to inflammation of the nerves. The so far mentioned would be the relatively harmless though annoying. However, heart problems could also be a cause, you should measure pulse and blood pressure. In all cases, I would go to the doctor in a few days if it wasn’t better.