Stechen im daumen beim häkeln?

Ich habe vor ein paar Tagen gemerkt das am anfang meines daumens bei der rechten Hand beim halten des gehäkelten ein komischer Druck kam. Jetzt war ich ein paar Tage durch Karneval nicht da und wollte jetzt weiterhäkeln. Jedoch hab ich jetzt da wo der Druck war einen stechenden Schmerz. Mit diesem Schmerz kann ich nicht mehr richtig häkeln. Weiß jemand woran das genau liegt und wie man das wegbekommt?

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1 year ago

Probably overload, amplified by holding the crochet needle too tight.


  • more breaks
  • Keep needle less firm
  • use a thicker handle (also put on it or wrap the needle into something)
  • Massage joints with pain ointment.
1 year ago
Reply to  FuzzyCoya

Whether you keep left or right too tight and cramped, doesn’t make any difference.

Use a needle that would actually be a number too thick for your yarn. It sounds like you’re pulling the stitches right. with the thicker needles, your stitches automatically become a bit looser and you don’t have to hold the piece so hard to get the needle back through the stitches.

1 year ago

you’re cramping your whole body.

put in a relaxed position, apply as high as possible and above all you need ergonomic support for the back. you have to lean on.

then you drop your low-fat relaxed down and adjust both elbows easily. the movement for crocheting and holding the work piece comes loosely out of the whole upper body. the work piece is located at the height of your beckenkamm, not higher.

rides would be a good match sports. you learn the body and arm posture that allows crochet without overload.

you can put a kiss on the legs on which you have heavier, wider or longer pieces of work “delete” to not have the weight hanging on the fingers.

the crochet piece in the right hand you don’t keep much different than the needle.

for now only a few minutes crochet at the piece.