Stechen beim sex in der Schwangerschaft?
Hallo ich habe eine Frage ?
ich bin aktuell in der 30 ssw.
Und warum auch immer komme ich nur zum Höhepunkt (auch vor der Schwangerschaft) nur in der Reiter Stellung.
seid dem 5. Monat geht garnichts mehr Sex in anderen Positionen kein Problem aber sobald wir in die Reiter Stellung gehen und es immer schneller wird bekomme ich ein stechen & ziehen im Unterbauch/Unterleib was trifft er da ?
Und warum erst wenn es schneller wird ?
Danach zieht es noch ca. 5 min auch wenn der Akt schon zu Ende ist ?
was kann man ändern ?
danke im Voraus ;*
Hebamme ask. Can only assume that the upper vaginal tract has already shortened itself by the advanced brotherhood and this upper area then wants to be too highly contrasted and protect itself from penetration, which causes muscle reactions that hurt you. At the best n select other positions. With my anatomy it is also so that in the rider position the most length goes in, or the deepest penetration is possible, and your body does not want that right now, so fast and rider position.
Thank you
Just leave it until birth.
You can do without it.
As long as the female doctor doesn’t say that they can’t have sex because it’s getting dangerous, they’re allowed to have quiet.
Aside from that, you have to be at least after birth anyway. For 6 weeks, give up sex.
So she should talk to her doctor and let her check this before she acts.
You can, but I don’t recommend it.
I’m Laie, like everyone else. you ask for opinions here and I have expressed my opinion! Whoever wants a medical advice must go to the doctor!
and just in dr last weeks sex is also good to bear the heavy and the pains