Stechen am unterarm?
also ich weiß es ist gerade mitten in der Nacht aber ich habe schon seit 2-3 Stunden die ganze Zeit immer mal wieder einen stechenden Schmerz am Unterarm und langsam tun sie echt zu sehr weh
weiß jmd was das ist?
Weiß jmd was man dagegen mache kann?
danke :)😜
stretch the arm straight out, twisting the wrist back and forth and pulling slightly, is this a bit strong pulling on the elbow?
then the most likely muskular
Question How does your everyday life look in the body, zb a lot? Elbow often curved? Instead of extending the arms?
Does the back hurt or the shoulders?
Neck tension?
Because if you’re wrong, you’re doing too little stretching exercises.
Heat helps and stretch the correct posture as well as first.
If my statements do not apply, do grip test paint the arms stretched over cross and touch something with compressive force in the hand, does that work?
The piercing pain can have various triggers. It can be neurologically conditioned, i.e. related to the nerve pathways, to be muscularly conditioned, i.e. caused by injuries to the muscles or even simply caused by the growth of the bone.
If the pain in the next few days does not get better or even worse, I would recommend you to visit a doctor as this could also be associated with serious illnesses.
Good improvement