Steam Steamguthaben an Freund senden nicht möglich?
Hey, ein Kumpel von mir will ein mir 10 Euro Steamguthaben Schenken… es ist ja jetzt Möglich 10 Euro oder mehr Steamguthaben zu schicken, aber wenn mein Freund es schicken will dann steht da “Wählen sie ihre Zahungsmethode” aus…. Paysafekarte uws…aber mein Freund hat keine Paysafekarte er hat das Geld auf sein Steam Konto….
Woran liegt das? Hat das Steam so gemacht? Wenn ja total komisch.
Balance is account-bound, isn’t it? If he wants to charge you something, he has to buy it and pay it again or give you the game. Located on Steam’s business model to prevent the transfer of credits paid via stolen credit cards. That would be money laundering.
Hello, Yuri,
It is not possible to give already activated / redeemed Steam credit.
But you can get Steam credit in the form of a “code”. For example, this goes with a Steam credit card. (This can be bought directly from Rewe/Kiosk, for example, or now via Steam.
If you wanted to buy a Steam game with the 10 € credits, your friend can also buy the game. There is a “gift function” there. When buying the game, your friend can choose whether he wants to buy it for himself, or for a friend.
So he doesn’t have to buy a credit card extra and he can use his existing Steam credit.
I hope I could help. :
you can’t waste steam balance. he can buy you a game
You can. But also only with the Steam gift vouchers. For example, you can buy it from Rewe or Steam Online.
What you mean is that you cannot pass on AKTIVIERTES (resolved) credit.
Gift vouchers are just that, gift vouchers. Steam credit is Steam credit. And that’s the question. So your education is completely unnecessary when you read the question.
play as a gift
You could never give away credits.
Yes. But also only with the Steam gift vouchers. For example, you can buy it from Rewe or Steam Online.
What you mean is that you cannot pass on AKTIVIERTES (resolved) credit.
Gift vouchers are just that, gift vouchers. Steam credit is Steam credit. And that’s the question. So your education is completely unnecessary when you read the question.
The gift vouchers are cash Steam credits. I just wanted to say that to avoid misunderstandings. But somehow you’re right. When you read the question, you should understand. Sorry.