Steam Spiel VRChat was war das gerade!?
Ich war vor wenigen minuten noch in dem Spiel VRChat bis da ein spieler war der mir etwas sagen wollte, da aber sein mikrofon ständig abgehakt ist beim reden habe ich gesagt das sein Mikrofon hengt, darauf hin hat der weiter irgend etwas geprappelt und von etwas geredet wie: “Das wirst du bitter Bereuen!” und “mach dich schonmal auf etwas gefasst!”. darauf hin haben dann alle anderen nach ein paar sekunden nur noch rum gestanden und nicht mehr geredet bis ich aus der lobby geflogen bin. dannach konnte ich auch keiner weiteren mehr joinen da das Laden dann ständig bei 1.01MB festhängt und nicht weiter macht. Das Internet funktionierte allerdings und schien keine großen aussetzer zu haben. Nun habe ich das spiel auf fehler überprüft und den Rechner neugestartet aber ich komm nicht mehr dank ihm in das Spiel rein! Ich kann noch nichtmal die startwelt laden wo man als aller ersten spawn sobald man das spiel starten möchte, das Default home laden funktioniert auch nicht mehr!
Was hat er mir da jetzt eigentlich gerade angetan!?
Ich kann keine dinge mehr in VRChat laden und fehler kontrolle brachte nichts!
Was ist hier los??
So I don’t play VR Chat, but I think you’d be banned. .. Many things have been misinterpreted or misinterpreted by the bad connection in the conversation… Or Sis have accidentally done something you can’t…
The second option is that the game or its operating system have an error… You said that you checked the game for errors, but I would still recommend you reinstall the game. If that doesn’t help to check the operating system for updates and reinstall it if necessary… However, if you don’t know so well, I would recommend you to learn how to create backups of important files and reset the operating system without making PC useless.
The one where that has made the voice of a 13-year-old so surely this will not be a moderator of the totaled games. And by the way, which moderator would say at a spell or lock something like “You will be bitterly buzzing!” and “You will already shed what you have!”
To do this, I got the whole thing to run again after an absolute uninstall, but what I’m asking is how could it only come so far??
I mean, I wasn’t banished, and as the sounded, the one who used some illegal modifications to do that to me, but what was that exactly and what was it called? Because a Ddos was probably not when google and youtube went on perfectly. only did he do something that has always taken care of it when loading immediately the loading is stopped and I have no cloud access to load down the necessary worlds to me, not even those where I need to join.
What was that and what was it?
When I’m just jointed again and everyone had warned that if I’m gone right away, they’re supposed to be the player (which was still in the same lobby) all the reports as backup. This had taken care of when I wanted to put him back on it that he disappeared from my eyes and probably blocked me and escaped from the lobby.
Even a couple of players could confirm that they had heard that as he said: You’ll be bitterly cheering!” and “You’ll already shed what you have!” and I disappeared…
So I don’t think he did this with a modification… It’s not that easy to program this and I don’t think it’s a 13-year-old. I think it was a coincidence… But don’t be sure…
Have a nice day and good luck and fun playing
I once knew someone on a professional training work that had been said after 10 a.m., which he now goes home nicely and then modden in GTA Online. And he wasn’t 14 years old.
But this is all in the end only a supply and demand system. If there are enough customers who want to have mods, competitor programmers will program and sell them.
Increasing demand would be smart to offer to make as much profit as possible and thus to satisfy the buyers.
Oh, I didn’t know that the anty cheat system in VR Chat is not so good… But I am only the normal mods, as in or Gta online knew who just nerved, I thought the person had to program the “hack” himself to banish you or something. At gta it is so that the modder is too approx. 95% after about 20 – 160 min. Or is immediately banned…
Ansich is really not difficult to program, only a few in the age are concerned with it, at least in my knowledge.
Some I know still have sadly the idea that you are programmed with numbers (0.1) and do not even know that there are many programming and script languages, as well as or C++, C#,HTML, etc.
Greetings and a happy one! 🙃
Nowadays, everyone can put something down. GTA Online is the perfect example.
Only it is almost as dangerous in GTA Online niczht as in VRChat!
It may be annoying to start game because modder your game crashing but it only refers to the current session! After a restart from GTA, all problems are usually gone.
In VRChat, however, this is somewhat more dangerous! There’s enough player model (Avatar) that’s the same as you do on this picture and that shows your desktop and then automatically reboots:
I have no shimmer why this is not the case in GTA Online but in VRChat already?…
Of course, that’s a 13-year-old. Bin 14 and have already released my own game on steam. I think he had a ram, gpu or cpu crasher. These cause different polygons that are on the player’s ski. It’s really easy to do.
try the hotspot of your phone. If that works, it’s an IP Ban.
I wasn’t banned. only an absolute new installation has fixed the error.
When I started to run this again, I wanted to talk to him because he was still in the same lobby as before, but then when I started talking to him before everyone on it, he immediately got out of the dust.
That was a CPU, ram or gpu crasher. Can display
How do you want to show someone where you don’t know how he’s actually called where he lives or whether he lives in the same country as you are?
Display against Anonymous.