Steam Sammelkarten und Gegenstände?

Kann mir einer sagen, was einem auf Steam Errungenschaften bringen? Und wodurch erhält man Sammelkarten und Gegenstände? Ich hatte mal eine Sammelkarte von Borderlands, die jedoch einfach so verschwunden ist.

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2 years ago

Many trade with it, search, buy and sell…

I have hundreds of them, but I need 0 – I don’t care if there’s…

It’s just a cent of money you can deal with…

2 years ago
Reply to  Fiene999

in the game, whenever you have made or completed something special…

or just by buying others…

2 years ago

The achievements can be made on the profile from lvl 10.

You can buy the tickets or play a part. You can thus create the profile levels and badges.

Objects can be anything from the profile background to an emoji. 😅🙈

Collecting cards don’t just disappear like 😅

I traded it for a while and some stuff a little bit of money, but there’s too much effort. The most expensive thing I sold has brought 90€. 😅