steam report über discord?

jemand hat mir über discord geschrieben das sie mich ausversehen reportet hat auf steam (mein acc war verlinkt auf dc) wegen illegalen sachen scamming und das der steam suuport zu ihr meinte das mein acc gesperrt wird und ich einen ip bann bekommen werde und sie mir die kontaktdaten des admins oder so ein kack geben könnte ist dad eine lüge oder nicht weil habe keine lust das mein acc jetzt weg ist weil ich geld investiert habe und ja.. den steam support zu erreichen ist auxh sogut wie unmöglich

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3 years ago

The Steam Support does NOT write about Discord, what is there for e-mail.

A friend of mine also happened, he almost lost his account in the value of 3000€, he could get him back from real support later. While the cheater had the account, he wrote me on Steam, so if it’s too late, you should tell your friends that it’s a fraud. And if you want to get rid of him quickly, just tell him you’re just holding Tetri’s contact.

3 years ago

This is a well-known scam.

Get the server team of the common servers and report them directly at Discord.

3 years ago

This is a simple lie because of many things:

  1. Where should he know your discord?
  2. Steam support does not ban people without proof, such as trade logs, news etc
3 years ago

That’s Fake. I wouldn’t believe it.

Accounts have been stolen in the same way.

Dultus, UserMod Light
Reply to  KeqingQueenDps

To 1000% – can show you 5 such chats.

3 years ago
Reply to  KeqingQueenDps

Yes 100% I was written exactly the same

3 years ago

I was sent by another account exactly the same messages. It’s 100% fake

3 years ago

Just ignore. That’s either a fraud or a troll, and both don’t want anything good from you.