Steam- Probleme?
Die hilfreichste Antwort erhält den Stern. Ich weiß nicht, was bei meinem Kauf fehlgeschlagen ist, jedoch wollte ich das Spiel Hearts of Iron IV und die dazugehörigen Erweiterungen (u.a. Together for Victory etc.) meinen Bruder als Geschenk geben. Jedoch kommt immer wieder die Fehlermeldung:
“Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Ihr Kauf konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden.”
Ich weiß nicht wo der Fehler liegt. Mein Bruder hat heute Geburtstag, weshalb es leider eilt. Ich bitte um schnelle Antwort. Die Hilfreichste wird belohnt. Liegt es möglicherweise daran, dass die Erweiterungen DLC’s sind? Was bedeutet DLC?
Restart Steam and try it again.
DLC = Download Content (so English for extensions)
so a restarting tipp in 2019, so I didn’t expect it anymore
Don’t you think about it?
Has always helped me;)
Because Steam then reloads all login data etc.
If such a charging error is the cause, the problem is eliminated.
ok this can be but call me also just some connection between a seemingly failed purchase and a restart of the program, about which the purchase is made. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make sense.
Unfortunately, this can have so many sources of error without a fault code, from network problems to errors during the payment process to an error in Steam. It’s best to write the Steam support or see if you find an error code. Otherwise I’m afraid you won’t find great help here.
What payment method are you trying to pay? Do you have an error code for us?
By Steam card I bought from Saturn.
And you’ve successfully redeemed them, so the balance is on your Steam account?
Then I would turn to the Steam support, which can best help you.
He must take the game first and have it in his library before he can get the Dlc’s as a gift. Separately buy and try again.
Are all payment information correct? Check this and try the purchase again.
Are you sure this isn’t any bad code? because it can be anything like that. Dlc also means downloadable content in German.
Unfortunately, there is only the above-mentioned error message.
then I would just write the steam support, vllt. can find out what’s on your account. would probably take longer.
the better
depends on the fact that I have always received an answer in case of failed purchases