Steam Handeln ohne Mobile-Guard möglich?

Hallo, ich möchte gerne auf Steam diese ganzen Sammelkarten loswerden und jetzt wird da irgendwas zurückgehalten, weil ich keinen Mobile-Guard nutze und auch kein solches Smartphone-Gedöhns besitze.

Was kann man da machen ?

Und nein, ich möchte extra deswegen kein solches Gerät kaufen, nachdem ich die Plattformen genauer unter die Lupe genommen habe….

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6 years ago

Either wait 15 days or use the app, an Android emulator for the PC is also possible!

6 years ago

As I said, it’s just delayed.

Don’t you have a phone? The app does not need, there are codes for the PC Tools and also nods everything on the market.

I use WinAuth. My phone doesn’t.
But think me to remember that you need a phone for the first setup, that doesn’t have to be a smartphone, but you have to be able to receive an SMS once.

It is important to note the recovery code.

If you want to sell something on the market more often, it’s helpful. Otherwise, just wait. However, it is possible that something changes at the cards in terms of price. Bes. if the game is in sale. There’s a drop in the card prices.

6 years ago
Reply to  FalloutHaus

You mean how you use it. What’s wrong? Don’t even have to give someone your number.

Mine is always silent, I rarely take calls. Find the possibilities quickly to inform yourself but irreplaceable.

What annoys are others with their phones and others can’t determine.

6 years ago

This will be held back about 7-15 days after that it’s in the market, with Steamguard the instant you check it out yourself.
At least that was always so, don’t know 100% if it’s still like that

6 years ago

If you don’t have a smartphone, you can also emulate the phone on your computer. Here is a link (if you are English powerful):

It’s not the other way…