Steam Guthaben transferieren?


Ich habe vor kurzem mein Steamkonto mit 20Euro aufgeladen um mir ein Spiel zu kaufen. Es war jedoch teurer als ich dachte und mein Bruder meint ich solle bei MMOGA kaufen.

MMOGA kann aber meine 20Euro nicht von Steam “aufheben”.

Gibt es Gaming Seiten wie MMOGA die Keys verkaufen, die sowas können ?

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7 years ago

In 2-3 weeks is the next sale (Easter). Put the game on your wish list and you will receive an email as soon as it gets cheaper.
Instead of buying Steam credits, I recommend a Paysafecard instead. In case of emergency, you can use them for both Steam and Keystores.

7 years ago

No you have charged your steam well and as far as I know you can’t get it back – not quite from the other side. Steam finally wants you to buy steam

7 years ago

Buy it from keyforsteam or on Steam. You can’t transfer funds from Steam anymore.
You can use the 20€ better in the Summer Sale.
And if you don’t have any more money, explain it to your parents, no one discusses about 20 or 30€.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kathyli88

I would have liked these parents.

7 years ago
Reply to  Kathyli88

I should have come to the world. But then it would be only 2 years old ^^ But if there were already 1 tablet and 3 learning computers

7 years ago

No with Steam credits you can only buy on Steam.

7 years ago

As far as I know, there are no