Steam Downloadgeschwindigkeit bricht komplett ein?
Hey ho
Meine Steam Downloadgeschwindigkeit bricht von 12,5 MB/s auf 0 und bleibt dort ab und zu geht die wieder etwas höher meist so bis 5 MB/s bricht dann aber nach paar sekunden wieder ein.
Jetzt Frage ich mich warum was stimmt da nicht?
Bei allen anderen Downloads (Browser, Epic GOG usw.) passiert das nicht.
Liebe Grüße euer KallOfFordneit
And another one who has not yet understood:
Steam Loads Packed Down… It uploads the files to the program directory on C:…
While it continues to download, it unpacks the downloaded files into the game directory…
If there is hardly any space on C, it must first download it, then unpack it, until download is again place.
Therefore the burglaries come to 0…
If it still has to write on hard drives that are not the fastest, the download speed is adjusted to the write speed…
So you can have 1 GBit downstream,but if the hard drive only writes with 50 Mbit you don’t get any fast rates…
I charge on Steam with 500 MBit down and write just as fast… while verifying, I write at 3500 mbit…
This is the advantage of fast NVME’s….
Again someone thinks he would have more plan xD
So storage space is more than enough available (500 GB free) so it’s an M.2 so probably won’t be there.
An M2 does not mean that it is an nvme.
There are 2 different designs of SSD’s…
One is the conventional construction photo in the 2.5 inch housing and one is the stripe shape in the M2 housing…
But both are the same SSD’s..
Google time to Samsung 850 Evo and then to Samsung 970 Evo…
The difference is enormous, they are 7 times faster…
And yes, I have plan… 30 years already…
Then I’ll let it…
If you don’t want my help, you’ll be smarter somewhere else…
And now you’re giving up with that? If you don’t have the intention to solve the problem you can leave. Pff is becoming community expert.
Got the same problem on Steam.
Battlenet, GOG >80MB/s, on Steam some one hour for a few GB. Always drop to 0 kb/s and then always only for one, two seconds a few MB/s.
I’ve had this for a long time, so I think my PC has been reassembled twice.
What you can try is to delete the download cache and try another server in Germany. Believe this is both in the settings under Download or similar.
I really sat on the problem for a long time and I really know myself very well, but I still can’t explain it to me and have not found any solution. Is there a lot of videos and guides to solve this problem, but nothing of it has worked with me. Hope you can do something about it.
I’ve tried everything without success.
If you find a solution and think about it by chance, you can let me know, look here relatively regularly ^^
I found a solution that sparks since the question. have changed the download server to Los Angeles since Funzt did it to me.
If I can solve this riddle, I’ll inform you here.
Try Steam as Administrator to be carried out.
You can also see where the servers are fastest: Steam: Game and Player Statistics (
What you should not do is give priority to Steam in Task Manager. This might theoretically key Windows services are put into the background.
Admin doesn’t have much to do with some other servers but unfortunately no success.
Funny, it actually made a minimal difference with me.
If you have a buddy or acquaintance, talk to them about it and ask them if you can try a download when you are there.
Alternatively, you can download a public hotspot.
If that makes exactly the same problems there, you know it’s kind of up to your computer. If this works perfectly there, it is on your router or on your internet provider.
Hi, I’ve had the problem for months. And after a long-lasting search finally found a solution! In the Windows “Device Manager” –> Drives –> your affected drive (where Steam is installed) search out and right click –> Features –> Guidelines –> Unlock the hook on “Enable a firecache on the device” – the download runs again:)
I don’t know that the absolute is helpful, but I also have the problem. I don’t have a plan to do that. So you’re not alone.
See my comrade….