Steam Download lansamer als Einkanal-ISDN trotz 50.000 VDSL (Lansgamer als ISDN/Temefonmodem)?
Ich möchte mir seit Tagen den SFM über Steam laden habe aber alle 2 Sekunden mehrere Sekunden bis zu Minuten 0 KB was immer so ab 5 GB anfängt dass und wenn’s mal runterlädt dann in Modemgeschwindigkeit also weit unter 64 KBit/s dann ist wieder mal 2 Sekunden bis 2 Minuten 0 KB dann wieder 10 KB immer so weiter
Sämtliche “Fixes” haben nicht gebracht
Steam Neu instaliierenen und restlos Deinstallieren – Nope
Windows Neuinstallation – Nope
Alle Anderen Fixes die ich im Internet finden konnte – Nope
CMD – Nope
Clean Reboot – Nope
Ich sitze seit 3 Tagen, 12 Stunden pro Tag sprich 36 Stunden und es lädt einfach nicht runter auch wenn ich mal 8 Stunden schlafen gehe hängt es bei ca. 5-6 GB auf und bleibt stecken
That sounds like Steam has trouble writing the data to your hard drive. Do you have multiple hard drives in your PC? Recently, have other programs felt weirdly slow, have crashed or have taken noticeably long to start?
Throughout 100% HDD utilisation from the “SYSTEM” process, so everything is slower due to the utilisation
Strangely, CoD Warzone with its 80 GB went through like butter
When I start Elyon it takes at least 15-20 minutes until I’m in the game at all – as soon as I open a NPC or a window Elyon freezes for several seconds one of the tone is then even the tone freezes – Then I can’t open the task manager anymore because the task manager only displays a white window and is already frozen immediately before it is open (no feedback has already started)
Download Change Region can help. Also try outside Germany.
Try it today
Habs found: Hard disk has delivered the spoon so the downloads are not written into the hard disk
Don’t go: It may charge a maximum of a few GB if at all, it will be stuck at 0 B/s and will not load further
In 6 hours, it had 5 GB of subloads, despite 50,000 lines, which would actually have been through in just a maximum of 5-7 minutes, but, as I said, even after 6 hours it had not been installed since it had already fallen to 0 B/s after 15 minutes and the remaining 5 hours and 45 minutes of the download have remained since no data has been received
After two weeks it didn’t bring! Again and again, it drops to 0 B/s even when I change the download region, although few megabytes from then back to 0 B/s and it is no longer possible
What does it look like outside Steam? Is everything okay with the download rate? Or is there a general internet problem with you?
Is only the case with Steam – CoD Warzone went through with its 80 GB as butter
I pulled back outside Steam 120 GB and is flooded like butter
On Steam otherwise still 0 B/s
Then it was a pure Steam problem.