Steam Download fällt?
hello, ich habe eine 1000 leitung. Und beim speedtest bin ich auch bei 1000. wenn ich jedoch auf steam was runter lade fang ich bei 120MB/s an. Diese fällt aber innerhalb 2 min auf 20MB/s .
weiß jemand, woran das liegt und wie ich das beheben kann?
The biggest bucket does not use anything if only drops come from the tap.
Probably your hardware doesn’t come behind. Your hard drive could be too slow, then the download is automatically throttled.
Yes that could be, thank you
Too high utilisation or many small files that need to be loaded by multiple servers.
The fewer individual files are all the faster.
Conversion may also be considered. MB/s is not the same as Mbit/s
1000 Mbit =125 MB so should fit your 120.
Yeah, they’re good. I’m talking about why this is so falling down
Probably the Steam servers are somewhat overloaded.
naja that is almost always so that the drop
Change the Steam server.
If it weren’t gone, would it go anyway?
Distribute more thousand lines in the world and optimize the download tool for the programmers of Steam steam under the boiler.
I also have gigabit and no problems with Steam downloads, always at full speed. Maybe consider that his hard drive is too slow.