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7 years ago

Try to create a new email account with another provider… and change your mail address on Steam.

So the maybe hacked mail account has no access anymore.

It’s just a guess…

I always start my passwords in Word.

  1. new document
  2. blindly hit the keyboard and occasionally click Shift
  3. use the created “word” now as password
  4. should unhackable
  5. Note passwords in a booklet… this booklet should not be found by a hacker;) Sure of “friends” it’s not when it’s on the desk…
  • My passwords are 100% not similar to another…
  • are usually longer than 20 characters
  • have definitely no meaning and ambiguities



7 years ago
Reply to  Lactron

Just stupid if you’ve captured keyloggers

7 years ago
Reply to  picasso22

That would be stupid.

7 years ago

Then I’d put it all down and put it on the computer.

Sounds clear, but helps

7 years ago

Have you looked at whether the stored security e-mail address/phone number is also yours?if not then a password change nix will bring this person to information about any new password.

Otherwise contact your provider

7 years ago

I would recommend you to make your password with at least 1 capital letters 8 lines including number. It’s best with exclamation marks or similar, these characters are most difficult to “hack”. Sounds like someone’s trying to hack you.

7 years ago
Reply to  JohnDracer02

Better put some sign in for safety like a dash or a exclamation mark or the like.

7 years ago

it can be that someone hacks you from abroad and you certainly have steam-guard protection so he wouldn’t have to log in.

7 years ago

Maybe check your computer. It could also be some kind of phishing attempt. Congratulations that you chose another backup, so something is almost mandatory.

7 years ago

1)steam mobile authentificator add 2) Malware anti bytes go through or antivirus programs could be a keylogger

7 years ago
Reply to  nase40

Why do you install a keylogger? xD No 1 I would recommend

7 years ago

Charge the Steam app to your smartphone and activate 2-factor authentication.

Then change everything again and contact Steam support.

7 years ago
Reply to  StefanEgger88

Hmm…is the e-mail really from Steam? I have never received an e-mail with information about a login until now.

7 years ago

Change email password, contact Steam. Best on a safe third-party device from family or friends. Did you care that the email really comes from Steam?