Steam Account gehackt?
Hallo, ich brauche schnell Hilfe. Jemand ist im meinem Steam account und hat die E-Mail+Passwort geändert. Ich hab den Support geschrieben, aber die Antworten auf seiner E-Mail zurück. Ich glaub, ich hab den Account irgendwie gesperrt, bin mir aber nicht sicher. Diese Person hat sich als Valve Mitarbeiter ausgegeben. Ich bin gerade irgendwie auf den Account, aber ich weiß, wenn ich was ändere, wird er das bemerken und mich rausschmeißen. Ich hab alles nötige wie Passwort und PayPal geändert. Ich brauche schnell Hilfe !!!
Should help you with account recovery
I’ll do it now, thank you very much
Has helped many…
I just have to hope that Steam Support will answer. I am grateful
What exactly do you expect now? You will not be able to change the mail address without confirmation.
The best way to contact the support is to create a second account for the emergency and is good.
Yeah, but I need the account. I put a lot of money in there and a lot of time. I wrote Steamsupport, just send an answer to the hacker’s email
– The new mail address usually has to be confirmed, but if it only happens with the new address or even the old address I don’t know, I can try.
As I said, I’m not even sure you have to confirm this with the ALTEN mail… A try doesn’t hurt.
Thank you. Only the change will get and reject safely as notification. I try this with a second account
As I said, first to write a second account to support, but if you have access to your actual one, try to change the mail address as well as the password and deauthorize all other devices…
Maybe add the number there?
I’m worried that the Steam Support will answer the hacker instead of me.