If I return a game on Steam, do I get the money back on PayPal or do I get credit on Steam?
If I return a game on Steam, do I get the money back on PayPal or do I get credit on Steam?
When I try to update the Fernbus Simulator it says that it cannot be downloaded because the download files are missing. What can I do about it?
So, I resell sneakers and have a business for it, but when reselling, you often need a credit card to buy shoes. If I were to use my parents' credit card for this but still make the billing address my own, would that be okay with the tax office? And how would that look during…
The engine of my Agila runs rough when idling, as if it wants to stall but somehow still manages to keep going. Otherwise it drives normally without any problems, just a little rough when idling.
Hi, ich hoffe euch geht es gut. Ich wollte fragen wie man die frequenz hier ausrechnen kann oder wie man aúf das ergebnis kommt. Ich habe morgen eine Schularbeit und brauche dringend eure Hilfe. Danke im Voraus.
Hello dear users I have a question about my scooter Keeway ry8 built in 2007 The problem I'm having is that the scooter starts with a little brake cleaner, but then won't run again. The time from starting to stopping is about 4-7 seconds. Without the brake cleaner, it won't start. The spark plug and…
You can select that, by default, the money goes back to your Paypal account. However, if you use PaySafe or Steam coupon cards this is not possible, then this will be explained once again before returning.