Steak richtig anbraten?

Ich habe heute ein Steak gemacht

Ich habe mir davor extra Videos angesehen, und es dann versucht auf dir Art von Gordon Ramsey.

Erstmal eine halbe Stunde auf die Zimmertemperatur kommen lassen, dann kurz trocknen, dann würzen, (er macht es vor dem braten), dann die Pfanne heiß werden lassen auf höchster Stufe, und dass Steak im Rapsöl zum braten gelegt.

Er hat es auf jeder Seite 30 Sekunden auf hoher Stufe gebraten, dann auf mittlerer Hitze mit Butter, knoblauch und Thymian nochmal gebraten und alle 60 Sekunden gewendet.

Leider waren die Seiten bei meinem Steak nach 30 Sekunden überhauptnicht so schön und knusprig wie bei den ganzen Tutorials. Ich habe dann die beiden Seiten jeweils 3 Minuten auf hoher Stufe gebraten, dann waren sie erst so schön braun und knusprig wie bei Gordon. Dann hab ich noch bei mittlerer Stufe die Butter rein und sie hat auch nicht so schön gesäumt wie in den tutorials.

Ich hab es dann noch 6 Minuten beide Seiten jeweils 3 mal 1 Minute gebraten und die Butter die ganze Zeit mit einem löffel über dss Steak gegossen.

Was habe ich falsch gemacht? War die Pfanne nicht heißt genug? Oder lag es am Steak? Ich hatte ein Rindersteak, dass war so rot/Lila, seins war ein helleres rot und hatte wahrscheinlich auch bessere Qualität

Aber sonst waren die Schritte ja die gleichen..

Warum wurde mein Steak nicht so schön braun in 30 Sekunden

Und eine andere Frage habe ich auch. In den ganzen Tutorials verwenden die meisten Raps Öl, und dass spritzt bei denen überhaupt nicht..

Bei mir hat es aus der Pfanne in alle Richtungen gespritzt, der ganze Herd, Boden, und alles um die Pfanne ist jetzt leider voller Öl. Verwenden die anderes Rapsöl?? Ich verzweifle was habe ich nur falsch gemacht liegt es vielleicht daran das Valentinstag ist

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27 days ago


first you have

There are various ways to fry a steak.

right, but regardless of the many tips, that was

had only one Teflon, so even waited extra longer until she was hot

Your biggest mistake, because if a suitable stainless steel/ice/goods pan has the right temperature, your Teflon pan is already ripe for the garbage and surely you can finalize the finished steak with butter, but that only serves the taste!

That’s what comes with my beetle

R & D

especially to wear, since the “brak” goes very fast, but you can also achieve the “same” result in a suitable pan!

Just don’t give up, exercise makes the master, but as I said, a good pan is the A&O!

1 month ago

So what I notice about this video is that he, like these circus magicians, distracts from the actual preparation by his jelly.

At the end where he eats a piece of his meat, you can’t even take a look at the final result.

As a chef, you should just focus on showing a perfect result!

For me, this is a “snap”, a steak does not need any butter after my experience, which would start smoking at the temperature at which I get a steak right away!

To drown a good cattle steak in oil is a “sounding”!

In my eyes, the man can shake, but not cook!

For a good steak you need a heavy pan cast iron or stainless steel with thick bottom that keeps the heat long.

I stick a steak at best with oil, or sprinkle it thinly with cocoa butter (has a very high smoke point) so that it retains its meat taste. With me, this also starts with half a minute (I don’t think I look at the clock, you can smell it) for browning 🤷 ♀️

I’m gonna choke after, or just salt, because I prefer the meat taste of any spices – if I ever have a good steak. They’re not so cheap…

I take a heavy stainless steel pan and the shackled meat comes into the pan (but without fat goes also), if it is brown, it dissolves completely by itself from the pan.

I have a thick-headed stainless steel pan

1 month ago

You just had it a little too long in the pan or the steaks were a little too thin. Practicing is the Master.

1 month ago

Water in the meat. That’s what’s more, not the oil.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nutzer39483

Ne, only the cattle breeder and possibly the butcher or the slaughterhouse.

1 month ago

You’re pouring it with butter. Of course, it becomes soft and not crispy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nutzer39483

If you want to do it like Gordon Ramsay, you should also invest your money in a really good pan and in a really good meat.

1 month ago

Okay, he says after 30sec you see the color and later you tell the steaks to turn every minute.

And yes pan should be really hot.

Try 2x 1.5 min and 2x 1min and then with significantly less heat the butter

1 month ago

Let it come to room temperature for half an hour

This is ancillary but it is 99.9% no matter – you can even grill a steak directly from the freezer and it will be good.

and that steak put in rapeseed oil to fry.

This is fine- perfectionist take beef tallow, pork mollusc, coconut fat or directly the steak itself (first braided fat cap).

Unfortunately, the pages at my steak after 30 seconds were not as beautiful and crispy as with all the tutorials. I then fried the two sides at a high level for 3 minutes, then they were as beautiful brown and crispy as Gordon.

This is normal – Gordon also roasts the steak after the 30 seconds even much longer hot. Otherwise next time pan hotter and steak a little thicker than it was something about it.

Use the other rapeseed oil??

You can’t avoid spraying. Well dry before frying not too much oil – but after that the butter comes now. For oil selection see above.

1 month ago

roast steak on one side, turn once,

let the meat rust, possibly fining in the Salamander


season after roasting, otherwise burn the spices

1 month ago

you turn a steak exactly ON MAL.

and if it’s fried on both sides, it’s often allowed to move.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nutzer39483

you killed your cattle for the second time with your method. that didn’t deserve it.

and if it is thinner than 4 centimeters, it is not steak.

1 month ago

nee. you fried it in oil.

I’m going to vomit in butter and it’s going to be crispy and on the inside also buttery.

if you take it from the pan torn and twisted, you can not make yourself a crust.

1 month ago

If the Gordon R. explains everything so great and correct, you must have seen the first thing you did differently.

1 month ago

Why do you even ask if you’re consulting-resistant anyway?