Start-Stop-Automatik defekt, trotzdem fahrtüchtig?
Hallo, habe mir einen gebrauchten angeschaut den ich gerne kaufen möchte, einziger “Hacken” dis Start-Stop-Automatik ist defekt, bzw die leichte leuchtet dauerhaft, die Funktion an sich funktioniert jedoch nicht. Wirkt sich das aufs Fahrverhalten aus oder kann man trotzdem wie gewohnt fahren? Zudem bin ich eh kein Fan davon, nervt mich bei kürzeren Strecken extrem.
Of course you can drive
Simply disable by means of a switch and then do not annoy the system during the ride
If, however, the next HU is to be brought to the next HUO at the latest, otherwise the problem
Be glad she doesn’t work. Doesn’t need a human.
As I heard from experts, this automatic system only works with good battery charging, for example at least 70%. Try it after a longer ride with daylight and with little consumers. Then the battery is well charged. You can also charge them overnight for a small fee in the workshop.
The vehicle is still driving well.
This error can have several causes. Like a weak or false battery. Someone can have deliberately put out the start-stop automatic system by manipulation.
This start stop automatics often do not work (especially in winter) when the battery is not full. Or when climate is running or seat heating. Or just driving a short distance. Or.
This has nothing to do with driving.
The start-stop automatic cannot be activated can be normal. This only works when several parameters fit together.
I haven’t seen it yet, although I’ve been traveling with such a car for a long time
Greetings HobbyTfz
Can drive as well
With the error, the car then no longer exists a major investigation.
So you need to fix the error.