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6 months ago

Changes, Hobbies, work on your self-confidence. I know love, it’s hard to get rid of all sides. The self-confidence goes to flee by itself. Do you have friends outside school with whom you can do something? Maybe they give you an incentive.

I was also pampered at that time and I changed school – there it was a bit better. Would that be something you could question or would you have the chance? If it’s been like this for three years, I’d draw a final line.

What I can tell you, don’t take the school home. Take off at home, I know this is really hard, but talk to your parents, eat good food, eat something, enjoy nature. In addition, it might be good to use professional help to rebuild your self-worth. A psychologist helps you process the experienced and work with it.

I wish you all, all love. Stay strong and don’t give up! You’re bigger and stronger than that.

6 months ago

You’re best looking for a Hooby, something that distracts you from school, and you’re best talking to your class management.

6 months ago

Then let your weakness out, yummy, jammere, despair, let everything out, then it goes up again. It’s natural law.