Starker Körpergeruch und augehört zu rauchen ein Zusammenhang?
Ich rauche seit 2 Tagen nicht mehr und obwohl ich deo bebutze und alle 2 Tage dusche rieche ich nsch schweiss. Liegt da ein Zusammenhang oder ist das Psyschich? Ich habe eine paranoide schizophrenie:(
do you perceive this smell or others?
if you don’t smoke anymore, it can be natural that you can smell better and yours. Body better perceive.
differently, the more sweating can be a sign of withdrawal, but this should quickly be set back and not be of duration.
if you can stop it for a long time, please contact your family doctor
Others say I smell like twirl xP
Then it is probably also an existing smell and no imagination. As already said, this could be a withdrawal from your body.
that should be put back, however, and that timely
Thank you
That could be a reaction from nicotine withdrawal.
Can be good