Starker Husten, Raucher, was tun?
Hallo, mein Vater hustet innerhalb von 5 Minuten bestimmt 2-3 mal, raucht auch seit mindestens 30Jahren.
Er war vor circa 4Wochen bei einem Kumpel von ihm und dort haben die unfassbar viel geraucht. Seit dem hat er diesen extremen Husten.
Ich habe bereits mehrfach gesagt, er soll bitte zum Arzt. Will er nicht. Laut meinem Vater nur ne Bronchitis..??
Dadurch, dass er raucht und Kebs in der Lunge ja als Raucher keine Seltenheit ist, mache ich mir langsam echt Sorgen.
Gibt es irgendwas, dass ich machen kann?
Tell him that the omission of cigarettes not only extends life, but also offers a beautiful quality of life:
– Improving the sense of smell
– Better sex – life
– Saving money for other useful things in life.
He could actually buy healthy food from the cigarettes. Buy perfume. Go to the restaurant with the family
And and and…
Don’t bother him. He looks away.
That’s a shame
Nerves until he volunteers to become a lung specialist. You’re best with him.
Easier said than done. I’m just gonna come back to him.
‘Everyone is forging his own happiness.’
Even his own misfortune.
The fear is Your Problem. His problem is smoking.
If you succeed in delimiting yourself emotionally, it may be easier for you (to bear it).
Yeah, I’m afraid he’s dying.
No, you can’t do anything. He has to remember it himself. At the latest when he spits blood.
Oh, God…
If he keeps smoking, you can’t do anything.
It’s a fault. And if he doesn’t want to change it, it’ll be done sometime.
Hard, but realistic.
Imagine the change to steam…. which is much healthier.
He doesn’t want anything.